I feel like I should have to dust off the blog or something! :) I'm not really feeling very inspired to do a big post, but I did finish a little knitting project and thought I would share...
Bug needed a new hat for fall and this seemed like the perfect choice. I wish I had added a few more rows of the plain knitting so it covered her ears a bit better, but I think she likes it fairly well as is...I might crochet a scalloped edge around it or something for a bit more length, but we'll see. :) The pattern is Soulemama's Hat of Choice (linked a bit down this page), and the yarn is Brown Sheep Company's "Lanaloft" in Razzmatazz. It's a lovely yarn, but the colors proved to be a bit tricky to photograph...the first picture is closest. You can see my pattern mods HERE. It feels good to show a finished project again! I have a few other that need blocking and buttons, but they will make it up over the next few weeks.
In other news, you might have (or might not) noticed the new ticker in my right sidebar...yup, we're expecting Baby 3! I'm officially due on March 31st (lol) so that puts me at 15 weeks on Thursday. :) We wont be finding out the gender this time and that's really exciting! I figure we have had one of each around the same time so clothing will overlap nicely either way. I'm convinced it's a girl though, and I've been right with the first two...but we'll just have to wait and see!