Saturday, June 16, 2012

Camera Dump:: Moving

So. The last two weeks have been a wee bit...unplanned. A very unexpected move has landed us in a beautiful country in Fort Valley, VA...only 10 miles from our last house but it feels light years from "town" and the grumpy neighbors etc. etc. etc. Unexpected, but absolutely for the best. We are renting for now, getting to know our not-so-little yard and fairly little farm house...lots of exploring in the future! We are lucky enough to be living right in between two lovely big families we know from church, and just far enough away from a perfect for splashing-in creek. We are up to our eyes in boxes and bins and out of place furniture right now...I will be back more in the next weeks as things settle down and the paint brushes get put away and the pots and pans found and know how it goes. Enjoy these glimpses of our new space...a more formal tour will happen when you can see the floors. *wink*


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