Monday, February 17, 2014


"Sometimes, I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed."  ~Mary Oliver

Monday, February 10, 2014


Where on earth to start? My computer died. My phone died. My camera died. Not the same day or anything, but it felt like a good time to just take a break from...well, everything. Summer was slow and hot and filled with trips to the farmer's market, a multiple week visit from my best friend, lots of visits with sisters and just being... my birthday came and boy has 26 been great so far. The first half of my twenties was tough for so many reasons, but so far so good with this second half. My first tattoo, finally buzzing my hair (I've done it three times now and I think I've got it just right now), and a lot of new, deep things that have me feeling like I am finally here. I'm liking this new voice I'm finding.

 Fall came with so much confusion about when Joe would actually be coming home...end of October, no, early January, no, maybe...well....December? November? January again...? and on and on until we started ignoring that paper chain because it was too much to keep up with. Then it happened finally, "...home in two weeks..." gulp. Big life changes go like that though, don't they? So much time thinking about them and wondering and then in one moment nothing normal is the same. Don't get me wrong, we are beyond delighted to have him home! But goodness two years is a damn long time. It went so well though. Our little family is full again, and it is just wonderful. I pondered how to do a catching up post but I think that I'm simply going to dive back in and try to find a grove here. I've been working on a fresh blog home and once I get that finished up I'll share the new link with you! For now though let me just say thank you for reading and it is good to be back!
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