My camera died, so until I get some better pictures of other projects with my iphone's camera the knitting posts are being delayed slightly. :) However, I did finish this project last night (or this morning really), and wanted to share it since they go with the hat in the last post.

These were such a quick, simple knit! The mittens are knit on two needles (although there is an option for in the round on dpn's) and the pattern has tons of sizes, which is fun, since I want to make them for all four of us. :) Since these pictures I have joined them with a crocheted chain, that runs inside her coat so she can't loose one. The "L" and "R" were because she is trying very hard to learn her left and right, and the mittens are made with a front and back so this made it easier than remembering which was which. The thumbs did turn out to long though, so I will be more aware of that while I make Bobby's pair. I asked her if she wanted me to fix them, but she said they were "good enough" like this. ;)

The Details
Size: Child's Medium, made a bit shorter than called for, and I should have shortened the thumbs too, so if your kids have pudgy hands sort of check as you go!
I've already started on Bobby's, since he wasn't exactly thrilled that these were for Jenny! His are Cascade 220 Heathers and I'm making them navy and a spruce-y green striped! I SO SO want a pair too! ;)