Saturday, January 29, 2011

Nightgowns for Miss Jenny

Jenny has been (when she isn't giving people haircuts ;) growing like a weed this season, and the 4's and 5's that I thought would fit her through the winter simply wont last much longer! Warm pj's were the first thing on the list, and I couldn't resist making a few more things out of my favorite Simplicity 9968--she's at the biggest size now!
So, over the last week I've whipped up these two sweet nighties with some flannel from my stash.
I have been sewing for many, many years now, but this was the first time I was able stretch and sew the elastic for a cute ruffle! I've been trying for years, but it always ends with evil noises and gobs of thread being spit out of my machine and much tearful seam ripping. ;) Hurray for a new skill!
These sweet bears was actually from a stash hand-me-down from my mom!
Next up are a few warm tunic/jumpers for her with some simple warm pants for underneath! However my sewing machine took a tumble off of the table today so I have to find one more piece before I can see how much damage was (or was not!!) done to the inner workings.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Yep, Jenny had a self inflicted run in with scissors this morning, turning her recently cut bob into a sort of "lost boys"/birds nest look...not cute. So this is my very best attempt at salvaging what was left. You will notice that the back left is rather more "layered" than the right...which is thanks to a desperate attempt to conceal a bald spot or two! Unfortunately I don't know that any lessons were learned today...clearly they weren't after she cut Bobby's hair yesterday! (ahem) And while I will admit that this turned out reasonably cute (especially once it dried!), I really, truly hope that I wont have to cut *anyone's* hair tomorrow!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sneak Peak:: Baby sweater

I'm slugging through some sort of unpleasant cold like thing right now...spending as much time as possible curled up in my flannel sheets with this tiny knitting project for the little one who is so decidedly *not resting*. ;) Although certainly just a sneak peak for now, it's such a tiny thing that I'm sure it will be finished in no time. The variegated yarn shown is the collar portion of this sweater (free pattern!). The pictures show the hooded version, but I'm not sure I have enough yarn for that...and this way I can make a tiny matching bonnet if I do have extras.

Off to crawl back in and knit a few more rows before dinner...

Monday, January 10, 2011

A tiny bit of knitting...

A few days a go I learned that my niece Zoey (who has a 3rd birthday coming up) had requested a giraffe for her big day...what perfect timing!! I get to look cool *and* break in my new book...perfect. :) A quick rumage through my stash turned up some lovely gold and brown yarns that will be perfect for a giraffe, and instantly prompted visions of a blue necktie. So, a nice gentlemen giraffe it is...for now anyway, Miss Zoey may turn him into whatever she likes!
This lovely book was a Christmas gift via a gift card from my parents. I love Susan B. Anderson's patterns, actually her hat book was the first knitting book I ever purchased! I can't wait to try out several of the others, but there is an adorable little hippo with Baby Three's name all over it! ;) Speaking of Baby Three, I started his or her Easter sweater! (because while I'm skeptical about March 31st showing any signs of this baby's birth, I am determined that they will be here by Easter!!) I will share more of that once I can get better pictures...a task that requires both daylight and me remembering to take them, which might not happen for a few days! ;)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First Baby Knit!

I was planning on waiting until I had the whole set finished, but this turned out so cute I couldn't resist. :) The diagonal stripes aren't nearly as obvious in person, and I really liked working with this yarn (color 808). The pattern is free HERE; I changed it a little bit, working it on size 6 needles (I can't find my 7's), and I only worked it for 4" before starting the decreases instead of 6...I think that will be plenty of room for any baby's head, and if he/she is small then I might still have to cuff it up. I like that it will fit longer than the first few hours though!! ;)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas gifts:: Lots (and lots) of rice bags :)

This was pretty much the go-to Christmas gift this, really inexpensive and super easy to make, these might become my go-to gift for everything! Simply make an inner bag to whatever size you like, fill about 3/4 full with rice and whatever you're using for scent (I experimented with dried lavender, tea bags (2/cup of rice), and essential oils) sew "bag" shut and you're done! I like to also make a cover to, a)make them pretty and b) keep the inner bag cleaner longer. I did all of these with a little over 10lbs. of rice and stash fabric so the cost per bag is really, really low for a really wonderful gift. Win! :)
For the 2 I made to lay around the neck of the recipient I stitched a few channels once it was stuffed so it didn't all fall to the ends...
(Rosemary essential oil for Joe's grandmother)
Once finished I sealed each in a plastic bag so the scent would be nice and fresh, but it was also a convenient way to label the scent and add instructions for the user. :) (Above is lavender for my bil's 8th b'day)
Bobby's (lavender)

Jenny's (lavender)

To go with my brother Max's pj's (apple cinnamon spice)

I did a simple overlapping back on most of them, quick and easy to make and use!
For my bil-to-be Thomas (the long one is peppermint ess. oil and the square one is a fruity tea)

Jenny helped to make one for my youngest sister Zelie to match her pj pants, but I'm not seeing the picture right now...but we made her's with chai tea and it smells delightful! I also made my midwives each a lavender scented one...again I'll try to find pictures of those! We like to toss ours (without the cover) in the microwave for about 3 minutes...they are very hot when they come out, but that gives you time to stuff them back into the cover and get to wherever you're going to use it. Jenny and Bobby call them their "warmers" and like to tuck them down under their feet at night, much like a hot water bottle. :)
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